Romantic Reading for Summer
How about a three-way love and sex triangle between a elder, evil British stepfather, a crippled in mind and body African American beauty, and a handsome Native American healer? --Hobble, an adult novel for adults, and lovers for three
Short stories and novel excerpts of romance, interpersonal intrigue, and love? --Neale Sourna story links or Neale Sourna online love story fiction and also Neale Sourna online wedding night fiction
Need tips for lovemaking with your lips and tongue? --Neale Sourna's CuntSinger, a cunnilingus manual for everyone.
from PIE: Perception Is Everything and Neale Sourna
Labels: african american, british, cunnilingus, healer, interpersonal, intrigue, love, lovemaking, manual, native american, neale sourna, romance, romantic, short stories, stepdaughter, stepfather