Libidinous 1 & Libidinous 1A
Romance / Erotic Romance / Erotica Romance / Heterosexual / Bisexual / Gay / Lesbian
LIBIDINOUS 1A - Writing Lessons: Author Notes, Short Stories, Poems, and Novel Excerpts
(only stories, no notes)
LIBIDINOUS 1 - Short Stories, Poems, and Novel Excerpts
Short Stories included in
short story
A sexy woman, a nameless man; she picks him up, as her husband watches, then she invites the new man to enjoy sex with them in their wealthy suburban home.
Swingers, threeway sex, and more.
_9078 words
extended short story from Playgirl Magazine version]
AND bonus poem
A businesswoman's emotional conflict between overthinking versus her erotic needs is tested when she's caught in the rain with the man who keeps her mind and emotions distracted.
But, will she overthink a playful shower together, too?
_3218 words Erotic Romance short story
[shorter version published in PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE]
Plus a BONUS Love Poem:
A Lesson in Passion
short story
Dez is a willful, stubborn hottie, the bisexual top stripper and erotic dancer [exotic dancer] at Max’s club; independent to the bone, she won’t be controlled.
But, enter Mr. Dark, a powerful, dangerous, wealthy player, a corporate gangsta with an eye only for sexy Ms. Dez.
He’s certain he can teach this free girl a few things.
In lust and love, what is “control,” what is “danger,” when two headstrong people are in conflict over their mutual desires, at the foot of a stripper’s silver pole.
_9587 words Erotic Romance
More Included...
long short story / novella / novel excerpt
A lawyer makes a pilgrimage to a corporate titan in order to get his help with freeing her client from a death sentence; knowing he's ... “interested” in her.
But, her appeal to this billionaire's sense of justice won’t be enough; she’ll have to curry and satisfy his lust for her, first, in order to save her client’s life. But can they both just walk away afterward?
_10,540 words
_full novel is work in progress
long short story / novella
Half Native American medical professional BENNET GILLESPIE'S "off track" life dangerously spirals, as his compulsive and sexual, love entanglement with "knife-happy" African American DAY, and her overbearing, elderly British "guardian / stepfather" threatens to cost Benn more than his life.
Is Benn falling in love...?
Will Benn take her away...?
Or will Day be sent back to the mental ward lockdown?
Or will the girl take matters into her own hands, and kill again?
[Adult Fiction / Explicit / Dark Sensual Romance / Erotica / Multiracial / Interracial]
Novel excerpt, full novel on sale
story with novel excerpts
STEVE is a horrid bad boy, envious of friend ALEX's turn-around attitude with his soon-to-be new love, KARA, but grandma's monkey's paw, gives Steve complete control over anyone he wants; even Alex's sweet new lady, a virgin; against her will ... sort of.
But, "complete control over a strong-minded" woman isn't absolute and may get him DAMAGED, permanently.
Plus MORE stories and fascinating excerpts.
_104 pages
"All Along The Watchtower"
Book One, Excerpt 1
short story / novella / novel excerpt
...A war camp, especially one with women and children, is a noisy place, yet an abrupt silence was falling in the direction of this part of his camp, and looking up he understood why. Princess Dara was riding in his general direction, it had been two nights previous and pitch dark when she, and not Her Double, had last been here walking beside him, and he had vaguely gestured where his quarters were.
He never posted standards of power and position; they were vain and lead the enemy straight to the head of his army; himself.
On vague occasion in battle, if he did post fake banners, usually beside an ostentatious looking structure, it always attracted heroically intent assassins and cutthroats...
_full novel is work in progress
short story INCLUDES:
A bisexual, MALE Professor, newly tenured and bored at his college’s Student / Faculty mixer, discovers two young Freshmen openly having sex — a gorgeous, brown-skinned classic Greek “godling” (MALE) and a beautiful, gold-skinned mixed race coed FEMALE.
Professor’s enormous “Clydesdale - Shire” of a “horse cock” and his superior use of it lures the two to pursue and invite him for intimate, private sex fun, during a student dorm kegger night.
Prof may have academic tenure — a protected and permanent job — but, he might still lose it all over these two.
Do you think they’ll be worth it? Oh, yeah, Professor knows they will.
_13,760 words approx.
FREE BONUS INCLUDED in separate sale version, or by separate sale: Professor privately tutors a certain Tight End footballer. The boy will definitely get more than his grades up, to save his place on the team, while Prof rams knowledge into him.
_5930 words approx.
Total words: 19,690 in separate combined version available on sale
A bisexual, tenured, MALE college professor, bored at a Freshmen mixer, discovers two young freshmen boldly having sex openly — a gorgeous, brown-skinned classic Greek godling (MALE) and a beautiful, gold-skinned mixed race MALE.
Prof’s enormous “Clydesdale - Shire” of a horse cock and his superior use of it makes the two pursue him and invite him for some very intimate, private fun during a dorm kegger night.
Prof may have academic tenure — a protected and permanent job — but, he might still just lose his career over these two.
Do you think they’ll be worth it? Oh, yeah, Professor knows they will.
_13,761 words approx.
FREE BONUS INCLUDED in separate sale version, or by separate sale: Professor privately tutors a certain Tight End footballer. The boy will definitely get more than his grades up, to save his place on the team, while Prof rams knowledge into him.
_5934 words approx.
Total words: 19,695 in separate combined version available on sale
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medium and hard erotica / sensual romance / romantic erotica
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soft erotica / sensual romance / romantic erotica and general fiction
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Labels: bisexual, erotic, erotic romance, erotica, Erotica Romance, gay, heterosexual, lesbian, romance, SHORT STORIES COMPILATION, SHORT STORY COMPILATION, short stories, short story
posted by Neale Sourna @ November 11, 2022
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