Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

Opines, comments, rants, concerns, imaginings from Neale Sourna, fiction author and more -- www.Neale-Sourna.com, www.PIE-Percept.com, www.ProjectKeanu.com, www.AuthorsDen.com/nealesourna, www.CafeShops.com/NealeSourna, www.Writing-Naked.com, and www.CuntSinger.com

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Batman Ruled!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 6:52 PM


This Batman movie rules out all other Batman and entire Superman franchised movies put together. For 2 1/2 hours this movie has raised the bar for how other actors can play the Joker character on the big screen. Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) had a wonderful job with the Joke on the Batman Animated series, but Heath Ledger has done a magnificent job here. Aaron Eckhart did a wonderful job with the Two-Face character and more believable than Tommy Lee Jones in Batman 3. I smell Oscar buzz here for this movie. This will break the old order of things when the Academy start their nomination process for fantasy and sci-fi movies. Christopher Nolan (aka director of Batman Beginning) and David Goyer (screenwriter for the Batman Beginning and the horrible Blade 3 movie) have out done themselves big time!!!! They need to start writing something soon with a better script for next Batman movie.

Everybody who acted or worked on this movie has brought their "A game" to this production. This is the Gone of the Wind for Gen X, Y and Baby Boomers.


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Friday, July 04, 2008

I write for the delicious "feel" of it, how about you?

It is our Independence Day, or at least mine. And this is my official declaration of intent to remain independent, of all the negative dross which can drag a creative writer down. [Oh, yeah, and "Pan's Labyrinth" is paused on the DVD.]

This is the thing.

It really settled on me the other day while revisiting the past at the Cleveland Art Museum's reopening, and after asking myself a bunch of silly questions of why I should continue to write and publish--why me, what is my importance.

And simply, the true basics of it all is that I write for the delicious feel of it. It takes my emotions everywhere, making me happy, or sad, or whatever "they," "my" characters, are emoting about. I actually "feel" it within me. It's as profound as time travel, teleporting, being in love, being in hate, or being indifferent. Whether I'm experiencing it in space, in Victorian England, or as an African vampire.

It's on the page, simple paper and ink, tiny pixels of daydreams and nightmares, but it makes, causes an actual "shift" within me, that is tangible. Not unlike the peculiar and shocking feeling I once had when a certain person looked at me at a party, and I "fell" inside. I had the distinctive feel of falling through soft space, which I remember all too clearly.

So, why is love for a person easier to remember than love personified in the body of a novel, script, or short story? Because it's easier to explain, probably.

But the feeling, THAT feeling. I take if for granted, and have pooh-poohed it to some extent because it is such an inherent part of me. But if I can craft this and have it make me feel this way, I should remember that others have told me so in their own way, or that even more others will feel it too, just by reading what I've written.

So then, who the heck am I to be so bourgeois and forgetful of this and to pooh anything? True feelings are precious and shared ones even more so, so those of us who write naked.

Don't lose the feeling my friends, and don't ever forget it, neglect it, or push it aside to die in hiding. Write and publish.

This is my official testimony. Do you feel it too?
Neale Sourna

www.PIE-Percept.com / Remember--PIE: Perception Is Everything

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