Batman Ruled!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 6:52 PM
This Batman movie rules out all other Batman and entire Superman franchised movies put together. For 2 1/2 hours this movie has raised the bar for how other actors can play the Joker character on the big screen. Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) had a wonderful job with the Joke on the Batman Animated series, but Heath Ledger has done a magnificent job here. Aaron Eckhart did a wonderful job with the Two-Face character and more believable than Tommy Lee Jones in Batman 3. I smell Oscar buzz here for this movie. This will break the old order of things when the Academy start their nomination process for fantasy and sci-fi movies. Christopher Nolan (aka director of Batman Beginning) and David Goyer (screenwriter for the Batman Beginning and the horrible Blade 3 movie) have out done themselves big time!!!! They need to start writing something soon with a better script for next Batman movie.
Everybody who acted or worked on this movie has brought their "A game" to this production. This is the Gone of the Wind for Gen X, Y and Baby Boomers.
Labels: batman, eckhart, goyer, hamill, heath, joker, ledger, nolan, two face
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