Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

Opines, comments, rants, concerns, imaginings from Neale Sourna, fiction author and more -- www.Neale-Sourna.com, www.PIE-Percept.com, www.ProjectKeanu.com, www.AuthorsDen.com/nealesourna, www.CafeShops.com/NealeSourna, www.Writing-Naked.com, and www.CuntSinger.com

Thursday, October 31, 2013

PETITION: "Amazon, Barnes and Noble, KOBO: Leave our self-published and/or Indie authors alone."


There is a LARGE amount of people who read this genre as a way to escape their reality. We are all consenting adults, you need to own a credit card to be able to purchase said books, so why all of a sudden start "cracking down" on contolling such.

Why is okay to sell "adult products" on said websites but not FICTIONAL reads.

What happened to freedom of speech?! LEAVE OUR EROTICA ALONE!!

**This petition is NOT condoning non-fictional beastiality, incest, pediphilia or other things of such 'extreme' nature**
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon
Michael Serbinis, CEO of KOBO
Leonard Riggio, Founder and executive chairman of Barnes and Noble
Leave our erotica and self-published Indie authors alone.

[Your name]

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To Erotic Authors Groups at GoodReads on Amazon Kindle KDP requesting censoring of our publishing and just out and out banning

To Erotic Authors Groups at GoodReads.

In LinkedIn Groups we've been dealing with Amazon Kindle KDP requesting censoring of our publishing and just out and out banning. They call that "blocking." My gay novella and my compiled short stories were the first.

There are more now.

Now, Amazon and Kindle is in hysterics [see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24491723] and blocking stuff they've contractually sold for over five years; but, now say they are too naughty and break their rules.

Like they didn't notice the words [slut, whore, or school] on the covers before, years ago.

High schoolers, who are of age and willing and enjoying themselves, and exploring their fears and joys, are not abuse victims, incense victims. http://north.neale-sourna.com/index.html

Why is sex always on the hysterics and cutting block but not violence? Maybe if characters bloody skinned each other for epidermis suits, instead of enjoyed the fuck that would be fine.

Guess, it's just Amazon Kindle KDP trying to be all things but not "the biggest bookstore in the world."

The Cleveland Public Library [www.cpl.org] is never this reactive or squeamish. Some of my best research has come from their shelves.

Who else has been spanked, without the fun?

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Women in Saudi Arabia stand up to authorities by breaking driving ban By: Mori Rothman

Women in Saudi Arabia stand up to authorities by breaking driving ban


WORLD -- October 26, 2013 at 4:30 PM ET

Women in Saudi Arabia took to the streets today in an act of defiance against the country's ban on driving. 

The ban on driving stems from conservative religious customs and isn't actually written in law -- but that hasn't stopped police from arresting women who get behind the wheel.

Despite public warnings from the Interior Ministry and conservative religious leaders, many women posted videos of themselves driving in different parts of Saudi Arabia, including Riyadh, Jeddah, and Al Hasa. The authenticity of these videos could not be independently verified by PBS NewsHour.

Saudi support site

Activists have been urging Saudi women to film themselves while driving on Oct. 26 and post it online as part of a web-based campaign that collected more than 16,000 signatures on a petition before the site was hacked.

Dr. Madeha Al-Ajroush, who spoke to the NewsHour earlier this afternoon via Skype, said that she went driving in Riyadh and noticed several cars closely following her.

She said that although some women reported receiving calls telling them not to drive, many women drove anyway -- and vowed to continue to drive until the rule is changed.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

super fresh robots' "Tigris" [new song release]

flamenco, hiphop, jeff witt, latin, new music, new song, ryder reynolds, salsa, song, super fresh robots, superfreshrobots, tigress, tigris,

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh, so this is the new fire under Amazon's frenzied new censorship emails to we authors. And what is legally "offensive"?

Unfortunately, they're not "walling off our titles" but trying to get us to redress or censor what they've already accepted and sold, often, for years; at Kindle and at the former Mobipocket site, and the old Amazon setups of Amazon Shorts and when it used to sell other ebook types.

As if they've stopped selling Jenna Jameson or all the visual "porn". Erotica and writing "porn" are shocking, but you can stop reading, people, after all. Or firewall or set up disclaimer entries to the materials like most hardcore erotic sites do anyway. 

Not twist authors arms to "redress," literally, repackage titles, descriptions, and covers from materials they've accepted under contract and from which they take about 50% of income. _NS

Amazon removes abuse-themed [as they assume through the titles alone_NS] e-books from store

Amazon logo 
Retailer Amazon has removed several abuse-themed e-books from its Kindle Store after a report highlighted titles depicting rape, incest and bestiality.

Titles such as Taking My Drunk Daughter had been on sale.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble both say they are removing books found by technology news site The Kernel, but many others still remain, the BBC has found.

WHSmith and Kobo, which feature titles with similar themes, are yet to respond to requests for comment.

The BBC found that on Amazon's store, the search function automatically suggested explicit topics to users typing seemingly innocuous keywords - without age verification taking place.

Amazon has not responded to the BBC's request for comment on the issue, except to confirm that the specific books listed by The Kernel had been removed.

Barnes & Noble said in a statement the titles were "in violation" of its policy on content offered in the NOOK Bookstore and were in the process of being removed.

"When there are violations to the content policy that are brought to our attention, either through our internal process or from a customer or external source, we have a rapid response team in place to appropriately categorize or remove the content in accordance with our policy," it said.

Justice Minister Damian Green told the BBC "the government shares the public's concerns about the availability of harmful material."


The titles can be found in the self-published section of the retailers' sites - an area where authors can offer their own work. The companies take a percentage of the sales made through their stores.

One lawyer told the BBC that the retailers could find themselves guilty of a criminal offence for allowing such content to be found without protection mechanisms.

"The directors of Amazon have a very difficult question to answer: why are they making profits from pornography which, on the face of it, seems to be criminal?" said Mark Stephens, former chairman of the Internet Watch Foundation, a body responsible for monitoring criminal content online.

However, many of the authors have taken measures to stay within the law, adding disclaimers to their descriptions, such as saying characters were "over 18" or "step-daughters".

On Amazon, guidelines for self-publishing state: "We don't accept pornography or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts."

It adds: "What we deem offensive is probably about what you would expect."

The other retailers give similar guidance.

In July, Prime Minister David Cameron said the government intended to make it illegal in England and Wales to possess online pornography depicting rape.

But it is unclear whether the written word - currently governed by the Obscene Publications Act (OPA) - will come under the proposed legislation.

Under the OPA, publishers have a duty to protect the public from accidentally encountering material that could outrage public decency, said Mr Stephens.

A spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers told the BBC: "Rape is a serious criminal offence which has a physical, emotional and psychological impact on victims. It's very unpleasant and distasteful to use such a harrowing experience as the basis for entertainment and enjoyment.

"Investigating offences of rape is a particularly complex process because it often rests on the issue of consent."


John Carr, secretary to the Children's Charities' Coalition on Internet Safety, said parents would be "shocked" at what content was discoverable.

"At the very least there should be a certain class of material that is adult, which ought not to be universally accessible," he told the BBC.

However, others felt that Amazon's removal of some titles amounted to censorship.

"We outlaw snuff films, child porn and, increasingly, revenge porn, because actual people are harmed during their production," wrote PJ Vogt on OnTheMedia.org.

"Erotic fiction concerns fake characters who don't exist in real life."

Mr Carr stressed that he did not condone censorship, but that the content needed to be walled off.

"If this was a Soho sex shop, I wouldn't take the same view. I am concerned that this is next to things kids could search for."

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Neale Sourna Sexy HOT Fiction and Sexy STEAMING Nonfiction Available on Sale!!

Dez at the Silver Pole_ebook cover
[from Libidinous 1]

http://www.neale-sourna.com/ Author site

Hobble [An Adult Fiction] by Neale Sourna [print book cover]
Hobble Print & eBooks

List of over 20 Neale Sourna story fiction releases: hot and hard, soft, and nonfiction!

Temple and Silent Tommy: Bedrooms (short story ebook cover) by Neale Sourna (WWII short story romance)


Hesitation_ebook cover

Over 20 Neale Sourna books / ebooks at Google Books!

Neale Sourna's CuntSinger: Cunnilingus (Sex Manual, Info, Games, Short Fiction)

Neale Sourna at Amazon.com (ebooks & paperback print books) (some items not available _ banned by Amazon)

BANNED by Amazon Kindle!
 Tad V4#1 (Gay novella), Neale Sourna's North Coast Academies Diary
Amazon Kindle Store (Kindle-Mobi ebooks only) (some items not available _ banned by Amazon)

BANNED by Amazon Kindle!

...on Sale NOW!

MORE at http://catalog.neale-sourna.com/index.html

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