Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

Opines, comments, rants, concerns, imaginings from Neale Sourna, fiction author and more -- www.Neale-Sourna.com, www.PIE-Percept.com, www.ProjectKeanu.com, www.AuthorsDen.com/nealesourna, www.CafeShops.com/NealeSourna, www.Writing-Naked.com, and www.CuntSinger.com

Thursday, November 22, 2007

New Erotica Stories by Neale Sourna for Your New Kindle at Amazon

A fast download of Neale Sourna's erotica is right at your fingertips with your new Kindle reader. Erotica, some romance, it's your gift choice, to you or your beloved one. Buy this instant and read this instant. Love and lust at your fingertips.

Neale Sourna's Amazon Kindle

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New Erotica Stories by Neale Sourna for Your New Kindle at Amazon

A fast download of Neale Sourna's erotica is right at your fingertips with your new Kindle reader. Erotica, some romance, it's your choice. Buy this instant and read this instant. Love and lust at your fingertips.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Authors and Writers: Make Us Want to Be You!

Make Us Want to Be You!

By C. Hope Clark

Quote from the FundsforWriters Annual Essay Contest:
"Come up with a promotional plan for your writing. Whether
you are a copywriter or a romance novelist, a poet or a
fantasy author, describe how you would promote your talent
over a one-year period. Maybe you have a book coming out,
or you've decided to grow your copywriting or editing business,
or you manage a newsletter and want to expand your platform.
What is your plan...and why? Remember, amaze us with your
innovation, your drive, your creativity or your ambition.
Make us want to be you!"

I just came back from a conference where most of the people
attending wanted to write but weren't motivated. They wanted
to be a writer. They wanted to write sweet words. They wanted
to be recognized as a wordsmith, an envy to others who struggle
with telling a story.

I could count on one hand the people who were ravenously
hungry to write hard, long and intensely enough to beat the
odds of becoming traditionally published.

"I just write stories about..."

"I'd love to one day write..."

"I've been working on a story, but..."

"No way could I do what he did..."

"I have a family and a job. It's hard for me..."

Most people listened to speakers say how they achieved
success then made excuses why those methods didn't apply
to them.

Or I heard the opposite. Authors self-published a book or
two and felt they'd arrived. There were no more hurdles.
They strutted, at home with their conclusion they were
a published author, and they could rest on their laurels.

The theme of the FundsforWriters annual contest is
"Make us want to be you." I don't want to be either of the
above author-types. I don't want to reach the end of my
journey wondering if I could have published. I don't want
people remembering me as pompous and arrogant.

What I don't see in either writer is a will to touch readers.
Somehow, when you have this fabulous story to be told, the
need to publish is replaced with a need to reach readers.
The genuine author doesn't want to be adored by readers.
He or she wants to touch others with their words - alter
lives - cause laughter - produce tears. The genuine writer
makes a reader want to be the author, possess a part of
the author, understand the author.

When the thought "I want to be published" is replaced with
"I want people to love this story," magic happens. That's
when the shyness or the arrogance of a writer disappears.
That's when the only goal is to write a great story.

This message is short, but I'm hoping it's potent. We can
write for ourselves or we can write for others. Guess
which one an agent wants? Guess which one a publisher
wants? Guess which one sells?

C. Hope Clark is rewriting her novels now with the readers
in mind. www.fundsforwriters.com

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About Us at Neale Sourna's Nude, Sexy, and Erotic Amazon Store

I write fiction and publish under my own aegis called PIE: Perception Is Everything [http://www.PIE-Percept.com] and give writing assistance as Writing-Naked.com at Elance.com and Guru.com.

I live in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I love craftsmanship, in story and other life works.

Nothing invigorates and stays with us like the one story that we may call, "My Story." Which is about someone else, but resonates with us so deeply, or in such yummy perversity--on occasion--that we hold it dear, as a fundamental part of us.

How about that, dearest reader?


Neale's Amazon Store http://astore.amazon.com/nealesourna-20
Neale's book and story catalog/catalogue--trade paperbacks and ebooks http://catalog.neale-sourna.com

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Reviews: Neale Sourna's novel Hobble

Neale Sourna's Hobble (An Adult Fiction)

"Dipping into several genres from erotica to mystery, even sprinkling a little comedy into the mix, Sourne (Sourna)
created a story like no other. This ... tale had me shaking my head in astonishment and I can honestly say I never read anything like Hobble before. Sourne (Sourna) wrote a novel with such a large supply of twist and turns it'll have you dropping your mouth in shock. But be forewarned, Hobble has a crazy mix of characters....

Some of the sex scenes had me (a person who loves erotica) squirming. Although the book is racy, it was an interesting read and should be picked up by anyone who enjoys reading something different from the norm."

--Joy Farringdon, Nubian Sistas Review

READ Full Review

"Hobble is a story of lust and obsessive sex...I was so moved...I went back to my (Franklin) dictionary...hobble
means to limp along ... to impede ... to tie-up, shackle or leash...all of [which] were used in this steamy story, of sex, incest and betrayal!"--Delores Thornton, BlackRefer.com Reviews

Delores' full review

[A www.BlackRefer.com Review]

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Neale Sourna's Writing/Coach Packaged Deals

Search for Provider/Consultant "Sourna" or "Writing-Naked" at:

Neale Sourna's Writing-Naked.com at Elance.com "Enter

Writing & Translation Experience
Creative Writing (6)
Ghost Writing (3)
Sales Writing (1)
Other - Writing Services (1)


Neale Sourna's Writing-Naked.com at Guru.com Enter
Neale Sourna's Guru.com Writing/Coach Packaged Deals Enter

Short Stories--Adult, Romance, Relation
Price: $150.00
Delivery time: 2 week(s)
Industry: Media, Advertising, Publishing, Entertainment
Details: Short or short short stories for online or other. Intriguing, deep character, erotic, relationship, or adult romantic. Heterosexual/Homosexual.

This price is approx. 300 words or less x 10 stories x $15. Or one 3000 word. Will adjust price up or down, depending on number of stories, actual word count, and amount of time and energy to craft a polished good story(ies) for you.

[Byline often preferred, but not absolutely required.]

Fiction Writing Consultation—Character Enrichment
Price: $150.00
Delivery time: 1 day(s)
Industry: Media, Advertising, Publishing, Entertainment
Details: Blah, blah, blah. Are your novel, screenplay, or short story characters flat and unrealistic? Are their personal exchanges one-dimensional and not filled with power? Are the actions they perform and speeches they give bland, uneventful, and lacking in drive? I can help you.

"...the narrative style is appealing...an interesting story...I would read again...it intrigued me. The heroine is unique."--Sensual Romance Reviews on Neale Sourna’s “Hobble.” [http://hobble.neale-sourna.com/]

Think Character and Interrelationship Enrichment.

Imagine your characters truly coming to life with new layers of thought and deep feeling, of intimacy and interrelationships, of great need and poignant want.

Imagine that they breathe and move with the same independent, codependent manner all live people do.

Two hour coaching consultation and brainstorming session (email; IM chat; or online, recorded verbal chat) on how you can make your particular characters and narrative thoughtful and emotionally involving.

Payment: SafePay Escrow.

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