Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

Opines, comments, rants, concerns, imaginings from Neale Sourna, fiction author and more -- www.Neale-Sourna.com, www.PIE-Percept.com, www.ProjectKeanu.com, www.AuthorsDen.com/nealesourna, www.CafeShops.com/NealeSourna, www.Writing-Naked.com, and www.CuntSinger.com

Monday, July 13, 2009

NEW Oral Sex (Eating Pussy) Manual for Lovers [excerpt]

“Her clitoris can be too sensitive to touch....”

Okay, so with this is mind, the clitoris can, at times, be too sensitive to stimulate by direct touch; especially, in the early stages of your female’s arousal.

So, my immediate thoughts include:

§ Blowing your warm breath across her, or

§ Gently touching her with something VERY soft—soft feather or silk, perhaps. Yum.

§ Or, just be patient and help her warm up and “get her blood flowing,” so to speak.

In case you didn’t know, many women, in masturbating throughout their lives, often only apply pressure on the OUTER side of her Venus Mound, without direct touch on her clitoral area.

Or some use flat fingered friction and gentle pressure of their fingers.

So, when you start poking around with blunt; hard cock; hard nailed, rough fingertips; and hard tongues, she just may find it unpleasant.

Think the kind of unpleasantness you get when you take a bandage off a wound that’s basically healed, but is still overly pink, and sensitive. You put a bandage back on it. But, she can’t quite do that.

Ripping it off would be horrific!

So, basically, it all depends on how sensitive she is, how sensitive her clit is at that moment, and how soon you get to that area.

In fact, it’s often best to begin with a gentler, less direct and straight to clit-focused stimulation of her vulval area, starting with her labial lips and the whole genital area; or the insides of her sensitive to kisses and other affection attention thighs.

Hey, my friend, she has an ENTIRE body “wonderland” for you to play with and inspire to joy; besides:

§ According to Dr. Seymour Fisher in his “The Female Orgasm,” of 300 women surveyed, 80% NEEDED masturbation or oral stimulation, also, during standard intercourse, IN ORDER TO ORGASM (in order to come / cum), at all.

This is while engaging in regular, vanilla sex.

Yes, standard, traditional vaginal [cock in cunt] sex, and not during anything fancy and intimidating.

The EXACT same thing was previously confirmed DECADES before, by our famously infamous Dr. Alfred Kinsey in his thorough and still quite current “Kinsey Report” (1948 and 1953), which was the FIRST OFFICIAL STUDY OF SEX, EVER.

Yeah. That recent. Dr. Freud made us neurotic about it, with unsupported, misinterpreted word of mouth, but didn’t officially study it.

Also check out Dr. Debora Phillips’ writings of her more recent “Sexual Confidence”, as well.[1]


“Oral sex gets around issues of…”

“Oral sex gets around issues of [uncontrolled spasms], low energy, problems with erections, positioning needs, lubrication [which can alter genital taste], and anything that makes penetration difficult or uncomfortable [or painful].”

—The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability[2]


[excerpt edit]


Don’t make it a long, harsh campaign, but here are a few things to help you help her to relax and prepare for your ecstatic, pleasurable cunnilingus fun for two.

“Prolonged Foreplay/Diddling. Or Fun, Creative Stuff!”

Start with the simple, sensual, and kind stuff.

Brush her hair.

Give her a gentle head and neck massage.

Touch and caress all her erogenous zones, such as: skin, lips, spine, neck, shoulders, etc.

But do stay away from the more racy bits, like buttocks, thighs, and breasts, until she’s warmed up to you and how you’re making her feel with the less sexualized bits of her.

Better yet, make your seduction an all day affair, with sexy phone calls, text messages, snail mail cards or letters, if you REALLY planned ahead, email, flowers, horseback riding or other things she, as an individual, loves and is excited about can prepare her all day to be with you.

Without protest.

You may even have to go to the opera. Or cuddle up and watch female talk television, instead a male sports / news / add useless banter type here television.

But, she’s worth it, to you.

But also, do be careful. Job place IT departments do monitor ALL emails and such on their company equipment; so, watch what you say in your love messages sent through company owned lines.

[1] Hayden, Naura. How to Satisfy a Woman EVERY Time ... and Have Her Beg for More! New York: Bibli O’Phile Books, Inc., 2001. And also Hayden, Naura. How to Satisfy a Man EVERY Time ... and Have Him Beg for More! New York: Kensington Books, 1999.

[2] Kaufman MD, Miriam, Cory Silverberg M.Ed, and Fran Odette MSW. The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability. San Francisco: Cleis, 2003. (Kaufman, Silverberg, and Odette p. 151)

From Neale Sourna's CuntSinger [http://www.cuntsinger.com]

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