Newspapers Need to Transform / On Dow Jones Exec Describes Google As "Digital Vampire"
We've not taken a daily or weekly paper for years. A lot of news we didn't want [unfiltered to our need, and depressing otherwise]. That was before Google or MSN or whatever.
Newspapers used to be fast, because mail took months then weeks and no one had radio or TV.
Well, they're not so fast and you have to go get it or wait for it to be delivered, tomorrow. With old news.
Newspapers should be the novels of news now. In depth materials that get and give all the multiple layers of detail that online headlines can't. I glance the online headlines and often don't read the details, and when I do, it's often cloned from something I've already read.
Details, newspapers, in depth. In fact, change your name, make a new face and reality of what you are. People buy the special editions of all Obama, or all Michael Jackson, or all the next "wedding of the century" be somewhere between the online headlines with little substance and the glitz photos and no substance of LIFE, US, People, TMZ.
Neale Sourna
Labels: google, headlines, life, michael jackson, michelle obama, msn, neale sourna, newspaper, online, paper, People's Party, radio program, special edition, tmz, tv song, us, wedding of the century
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