NEW Creative Cunnilingus Manual (Excerpt)
...Without this fresh moisture, the skin of this area will become dry and unable to protect itself, and will sustain rips, bacterial infection damage, and need medical care.
Beginning with puberty, her vagina begins washing itself by producing a clear to whitish colored liquid flow, having a watery to sticky consistency.
This protective acidic flow, first, keeps bad bacteria in check, in order to help prevent infection.
And secondly, it protects her body from damage by sperm and semen infections; whether he has an actual infection in his fluids, or whether her body perceives his sperm as an invading infection, and thus keeps her from becoming pregnant.
A woman becoming sexually aroused should experience increased vaginal moisture, sometimes, without ever actually knowing she is aroused, only feeling “wet.”
Her vulval lips should also swell, filling with blood and becoming warmer and plumper, which many women can feel between their legs; but, not all women will notice this, and not all women have sufficient blood flood to properly inflate and prepare her for sex.
It is the same basic principle that keeps men’s penises from properly inflating with enough blood flow. The surge and flow of blood to the area can often be improved in both sexes with BEFORE SEX exercises, sports activities, or prolonged, warm up foreplay.
Also, even more so than in human men, women produce their own scent, a chemical signature wholly distinctive to her, as an individual, which also signals her current reproductive and sexual state, which scientists (those infamous Scottish ones) say men can, subliminally, smell her differences, between her and other women, and between one state of her and another state of her, even when not fully cognizant of it.
So, that means that you should REMEMBER that, when male hormones scream a hot need to really lay this particular woman—NOW—is probably truly saying that he senses, without thinking it out clearly, that she’s fertile, NOW, and it’s her time for getting pregnant.[1]
So, stop and think or just glove it, regardless. Or raise it through school.
While most of our noses may have lost the ability to detect these scents at great distances, I have read of men who become sexually aroused when exposed to them. And most men and women LOVE the scent of their significant other’s clothing.
In actuality, an overwashed, over douched, over hygiene sprayed vulva and vagina are UNHEALTHY; because a moist vulva with its own natural, unmasked aroma is a healthy one, for life health and for sex health.
[1] There has been recent (21st century) Scottish medical research which confirms this, in a basic way.
Hold the Fish: Vulvas Can Smell or Taste Unpleasant, Because:
§ When normal vaginal moisture remains in the inner folds of her vulva, or
§ When she’s ingested excessive strong foods, or
§ When she has poor air circulation around her genitals.
Clothing that’s tight or made of dense materials that don’t breathe are major causes of excess moisture not being able to evaporate properly.
And since bacteria adore warm, moist places, they can reproduce more rapidly in such an environment; resulting in a strong taste and odor (that infamous “fishy smell and taste,” or worse).
It’s the bacteria from the air or surfaces that have touched her, like fingertips, clothing, etcetera, that’re actually causing the unpleasant odor, not her vaginal moisture.
Naturally clean, naturally healthy women DO NOT SMELL LIKE BAD FISH.
If a woman does feel and is completely convinced that her genitals smell or taste bad, she should first ask her sex partner, who often enjoys and is practically hypnotized by her scent that she herself finds unpleasant.
However, if her genitals do have odor problems, it will most likely indicate the presence of a serious infection.
Some partner’s, who’re scent sensitive, can know even before she does that she is developing a yeast infection. She should seek a doctor’s advice.
Again, the often joked about "fishy" or “yeasty” smell IS NOT NORMAL and isn’t an indication of a healthy vulva or vagina, but an indication that its owner should seek medical attention.
A woman’s natural, protective genital flora will change with her current menstrual state, her current level of sexual arousal, and also depend on her diet.
And some lovers can even detect these different changes by taste and/or by smell.
Don’t be such a..... [more in "Neale Sourna's CuntSinger"][1] There has been recent (21st century) Scottish medical research which confirms this, in a basic way.
Labels: bacteria, cunnilingus, fishy smell, hygiene, infections, moisture, pregnant, puberty, scent, semen, sperm, vagina, vulva, wet
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