BUY for Your Valentine NOW!! Love is a Sexy Ebook or Print Book by Neale Sourna
"Love is an everyday affair," so surprise your partner with a new sexy book in hand to read aloud from my site to your partner. Surprise your LOVE PARTNER with new HOT STORIES in hand, a new ebook for their e-reader or paperback from Neale Sourna and PIE: Perception Is Everything, because love is everything. But, you already know that. So, see what's NEW below.
"Plus, I have a challenge for you; READ JUST FIVE PAGES of any of my STORIES, and if it doesn't LITERALLY CHANGE how you FEEL, and MAKE YOU FEEL different and MORE PULSING ALIVE (wet and warm for women, firm and hot for men) than when you started, then close it, zip it, and walk away; but, if your PULSE is racing, and the heat and the wet and the throbbing, hot blood is getting noticeable, then you need to keep my stories close to hand and bed--and BUY NOW, BUY HERE, BUY OFTEN, as ebooks and paperbacks!!"
NCAD is Adult Erotic Fiction, usually one short story per issue [i.e., 5000 wds / 22 6.14 x 9.21" issue pgs], under the theme of diary / journal entries of an academic teen school community. ---------- [more Neale Sourna's CuntSinger: Table of Contents and more] GAME STORIES: Game Novels: Heartwild Solitaire, The Author's Edition* and Heartwild Solitaire: Book Two, The Author's Edition* NEW!! Update Gifts--Sweet Bonus Levels Available NOW! and also the mystery puzzle games of:
[NCAD -- An Adult Serial] Printed Novel
Printed Novel
Book Two (branched novel story game)
Labels: adult fiction, cuntsinger, diary, ebook, game, hobble, journal, neale sourna, novel, paperback, school, steve, story, teen, throbbing, wet
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