Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

Opines, comments, rants, concerns, imaginings from Neale Sourna, fiction author and more -- www.Neale-Sourna.com, www.PIE-Percept.com, www.ProjectKeanu.com, www.AuthorsDen.com/nealesourna, www.CafeShops.com/NealeSourna, www.Writing-Naked.com, and www.CuntSinger.com

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

NEW EBOOK RELEASE: NEALE SOURNA'S "Libidinous 1A - Writing Lessons: Author Notes, Short Stories, Poems, and Novel Excerpt"

Neale Sourna (neel SORE-nah)
PIE: Perception Is Everything

NEW EBOOK RELEASE: NEALE SOURNA’S "Libidinous 1A - Writing Lessons: Author Notes, Short Stories, Poems, and Novel Excerpt"

Cleveland, Ohio, 15 April 2015  -  This new book, a collection of stimulating romantic erotica short story fiction, novel excerpts, and poems, previously published, which now includes the addition of previous story editions and author notes, about how each arousing story came to be and influences upon each story. Also included are comparisons, an older version of most of these tales in order for you, the reader to compare the original version with the polished published version.

Have you ever wondered where an author got an idea? Or how they mixed things together you’d never thought could meld well together, but do? Or how characters are built up within an author’s mind, from both “real” elements they see around them and their own emotional experiences? This is your pleasurable little step onto that rich, grassy, flowering field of imagination fostered by intellectual breezes, emotional rain, and the solid humanity that grounds it all together.

LIBIDINOUS 1A – WRITING LESSONS: AUTHOR NOTES, SHORT STORIES, POEMS, AND NOVEL EXCERPTS gives you the “inside the author’s mind” for those interested in crafting literary stories and erotic tales and is the expanded version of LIBIDINOUS 1: SHORT STORIES, POEMS, AND NOVEL EXCERPTS; the later (LIB 1) with the same stories but WITHOUT insights into the writer’s mind and crafting. LIB 1A shows you a writer’s growth from original stories, when the beginning author felt they were polished enough to submit to publishers, to newer versions, the polished gems, rewritten and published years later, revealing a working author’s continuing development.

Libidinous 1A - Writing Lessons: Author Notes, Short Stories, Poems, and Novel Excerpts
ISBN 978-1-938903-26-7 ebooks

Print version coming soon.

ABOUT PIE: Perception Is Everything
PIE: Percept publishes romantic erotica fiction, fiction, and nonfiction all by award-winning author Neale Sourna. PIE: Percept was founded in 2001 and published Sourna’s first novel’s, HOBBLE, first edition in 2002. At PIE: Perception Is Everything we believe in: "Doing for the mind, what the body shouldn't" and "Thoughtful Entertainment You Can FEEL."

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romantic erotica, erotica, fiction, neale Sourna, pie publishing, pie percept publishing, press release, new ebook release

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