Buggered Mind of Neale Sourna, The

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Voting Ballet Access and Obstructions to Votings._Fucking stop obstructing legal voters. The only significant fraud is political obstructions like this.

Ballot Access

Columbus—On November 6, the Ohio Senate approved Senate Bill 205, legislation that will limit the ability of public officials and local governments to proactively mail absentee ballot applications to registered voters. The practice has become popular in many Ohio counties since no-fault absentee voting was first instituted in 2006.

"This is a step backward from the reforms enacted following the dreadful 2004 elections, during which some voters waited in line until midnight to cast their ballot," said Senator Turner. "There is no need to roll back the progress we have made."

S.B. 205 would bar any government office or public official from mailing unsolicited absentee ballot applications except for the secretary of state, who could only do so for general elections—and only if the legislature appropriated the money for that purpose. The bill would put an end to the practice of boards of elections in the state's largest counties mass-mailing applications to increase participation, encourage voting by mail, and decrease Election Day lines.

The bill's sponsor cited the need to ensure statewide uniformity as cause for the bill, but some disagreed.

"Uniformity for government is not the same as equal access for voters. Ohio's largest county has 38-times the population of its smallest, and those differences need to be accounted for in our elections system," Senator Turner said. "Local election officials know their voters best, and are in a much better position than the General Assembly to respond to their needs."


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